Be an ally (hint: it goes way beyond selling pride merch and flying pride flags)
Stand in solidarity with LGBTQ people while keeping your employees safe
Create an effective crisis management plan
Support your LGBTQ employees and create an inclusive work environment
Educate and empower all of your employees
Get involved on a national scale to make a difference
Educational Workshops for specific departments
On Demand Educational series to offer to entire company
Become a sponsor for Chrysalis and let those actions show your solidarity
Messaging around allyship
Crisis Management plan
I have unique positioning and perspective as an advocate, entrepreneur, and parent.
My approach is one of calm, confident strength. Hysteria and misinformation are not allowed.
I believe this work is one of the most powerful ways to change our national narrative. Education and curiosity can overcome fear and misinformation.
I have virtual and in-person experience.
I welcome the opportunity to interact with your co-workers and employees, hold Q&A sessions, and facilitate breakout rooms for deeper discussion.
My podcast, Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen sits in the top 1.5% of all podcasts globally and has been consistently produced since October 2019.
My book, Parenting with Pride: Unlearn Bias and Embrace, Empower, and Love Your LGBTQ+ Teen (Familius Publishing, May 2024) provides credibility and is a fabulous resource.
Heather was a passionate and informed speaker on the topic of LGBTQ2S parenting. Heather shares her personal and professional experience through family storytelling and is able to connect to the audience in this candid way. Heather provided thoughtful and supportive feedback to parents’ questions and employees shared positive feedback after her informative session. ~Kallie Jackson, CN PRIDE ERG Co-Chair
I am very happy to know that Heather is available to serve as a resource for parents of LGBTQ+ kids, and really to any parents at all. Everyone talks about being "inclusive", but Heather lives it. Heather is able to accept whatever comes her way and use the power of unconditional love and kindness to turn challenges into gifts. We can all learn a lot from Heather. ~Adam Simon, Executive Director
Looking for tips, tools, and strategies along with a little peace of mind? I invite you into the Chrysalis world!
I am grateful for all who have asked how they can help further this mission!